- Enemy Feedback - The player is doing stuff to the enemies but the enemies aren't reacting yet. Players like to see a reaction to every action that they perform. It improves the experience
- Include Jump - We had hours of conversation about taking out the Jump mechanic. We all logically decided that jumps were not necessary. Being minimalists, we removed the non essential mechanics from the game. During the playtest, we spoke about how Jump isn't necessary but it's fun. That is a home run argument. We need to include a jump or we need to embellish the dash mechanic to make travel more fun in the game.
- Unexpected benefits - Players like to be surprised. They like it when they suddenly get some new ability or something exciting happens to them in the game. We already have the dial mechanic and I think that it would be great to add unexpected player benefits for when the dial reaches 11. I want to see flames and particle effects all over the place when we reach 11.
- Tutorial - As I spoke about earlier, we need a tutorial for our game. The controls are good but people need help understanding how the guitar translates.
- Players should get rewarded for pacing attacks with the animations. I actually like this idea as a way to make the game more rhythmic. It is a music game afterall.
- Duke Nukem Dialog - I loved the old Duke games particularly because of the personality. I think adding some Duke Nukem dialog would be a good nostalgic element. I think it adds more to the charm of our game. It could be a great addition.
- Bonus Section - We have a score element of our game. I think we should take the bonus score sections of guitar hero and put it in our levels. I loved that jam session at the end of guitar hero songs and I think bonus sections could add a level of fun to our game.
- Include small amount of movement with attacks - I think adding a small amount of movement helps players feel better about using the strum to attack and move.
All of these points are small parts of a big project but I think it will add a lot to the project.